Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Getting familiar

Hi everyone,
Well, I think I mentioned before that I am also a teacher. so while I am getting Bear ready for kindergarten, I am also getting my classroom ready. Just as a side note... appreciate your child's teacher. You have no idea how much work goes into preparing the classroom before the teacher even meets a student. Try to let your child's teacher know that you appreciate what he or she does. While I was working on my room, Bear was walking aroud the hall my room is on. I was worried, because he knows his way around the hall. He knows what rooms he can go in and what rooms he can jsut feel the door. That is a real blessing for us. You see he attended Special Ed Early Start there and he is familiar with the surrounding and the people who work there. I hope that if you have a visually impaired child attending kindergarten this year - or pre-school-that you have taken your child, or have plans to take your child to the school. It will be very helpful if your child has some familiarity with the building and if possible with the teacher. That way, they will at least know something before the first day. Kindergarten is a time of gaining independence and experienceing new things. Hopefully, your child has an IEP or a child study/eligibility meeting has been set up to discuss what types of services your child will receive this year. Bear will be in an Inclusion classroom. He will have the classroom teacher and assistant, plus at times there will be a Special Ed teacher or assistant in there. He will also get time with the VI especially for language arts. He will get PT, OT and Orientation and Mobility. If you have any questions about any of this, write me and I'll explain what I can. Have a great day tommorrow. I will be working on my classroom , again. : )



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