Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Tomorrow will be half way through the second week of Kindergarten. So far, things are going well. Bear has made some friends at his table and his social skills are improving some. His teacher reported that today he invited a little girl to come to the carpet and he asked another student if he wanted to meet Mr. M (O&M) That is definite progress for him.
The areas that we are still struggling with Bear are the social skills and self help skills. He can get his pants and shirt on and can zip a coat somewhat, but he has trouble orienting pants to the front sometimes and he is not able to button or snap independently yet. We will keep working on it.
In our school, we do literacy stations during reading. Bear's teacher shared with me today that they are going to have a Braille station so that all the students in his class can try Braille. They are very curious about it. Already, they did a Braille letter (the letter that begins the students' first name) for each student in his class. I love how his teacher, Mrs. M and his VI Mrs. Ka are really working to integrate and include him in everything and include the students into "his world." If others of you are not having that experience, you may want to suggest that they do some of these activities. If any of you are having great experiences with your child's Kindergarten(or other grades), please share what they are doing too in the comments section.
Hope you all have a great night!


Bearz Mom

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