Sunday, March 27, 2011

What a Year it Has Been!!!

Well,it has been quite a while since I posted anything. I appologize for that and I hope to do better this time.I am going to give a quick explanantion for whay I haven't been posting. You will also notice that the posts have changed somewhat. They will focus some on Bear still, but there will be more about issues that we face as a family based on changes we are going through.
It was quite a year! Bear was not the only one going through changes. The whole family has. When 2011 greeted us with new opportunities to grow and change,we made a big one. Bearz dad and I decided to separate. I returned to work after holiday break heavy hearted, but determined to not let things in my personal life affect my work life. Trying to be mom and dad and trying to work out things so that Bear still got time with both of us and trying to make sure that his view of his dad wasn't tainted by my personal feelings sounds alot easier than it was/is. I did my best. I prayed ALOT and I leaned on family and good friends to get through it. It did take a toll on my health however and something I was diagnosed with back in 1999 returned with a vengeance. I was told that I again had Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome. I had it in 99 and after quitting my job and really taking care of myself, it went into something like a remission for a while. However, the stresses of the year both personal and professional proved to be too much and I once again found myself facing this disease. Knowing that there was no way I could even consider quitting or even cutting back on work, I did everything I could and I still am to keep being able to work. It means a lot of cutting back. It means trying to eat right and it means not always being able to do what I want to do. The thing that I have the toughest time with is scaling back on what needs to be done. I finally get a little energy and try to get some things done. However, if I overdo, I am no good for a long time. There are days that I go to work feeling barely there. I have been so tired that I couldn't speak or think coherently, but I knew I needed to be there. My students are pretty great. I've told them that some days they just have to give me a minute to think. Some days I need a nap almost as soon as I get out of work and yes... there are a few days when I am just tooo sick to go at all. I hate those days and I try to make them as few and far between as possible. But, that is the life of this illness.
Next post will focus more on Bear



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