Sunday, March 27, 2011

Back to BEAR

Well,as I said previously,Bear is now in First grade. The year started a little rough, but overall has been pretty good. He began the year with one teacher and due to budget and zoning issues, received a new one about 2 months into the year. Overall, Bear has had a good year. He has a great techer, continues to have the same awesome therapists and now has his own paraprofessional. She is amazing with him. She is loving and kind, but still tough and demanding ,but in a good way. She has high expectations for him just as she knows I do. He has proven to be a well mannered, very smart little boy with varied interests.His interests don't tend to be what the "typical" child is interested in though. I don't know if that is because of his blindness or the fact that he is considered on the autistic spectrum, but he tends to focus on certain things for a while. At Christmas time it was dustbusters. He does not enjoy the vacuum cleaner at all unless he can work the buttons himself, but my mom got a dust buster in the fall and he went crazy for them. Everytime he went there, he wanted to hear it. He would ask if it was charging and constantly asked me when I was going to get one. He wanted a toy one for Christmas. It was all he talked about for months. Well, he got a toy one for Christmas and played a little with it, but soon that obsession was done and he was on to another one.
Now,he is in love with cars- a little more boyish- but he wants to know what kind of car and is it a car or a van and if it isn't what he wants to be, he pretends it is- ie my van lately has been an airplane and a car as well as a church bus in his mind- I never know what I'm gonna be driving! LOL
His other obsession is baths and showers. He wants me to wake him in the morning so he can turn on the bath or shower for me. He wants to hear it and if I take a bath after he goes to bed, instead, he asks "Mommy, did you take a bath or a shower?" "Mommy, why did you take a bath instead of a shower?" "Mommy, did the water come from the top or the bottom?" etc etc etc. He is also obsessed with Barney lately. Not the worse thing to be obsessed with, but admittedly, mommy gets tired of it. When most kids his age were loving Barney, he had no interest. Now, he is at the age that most boys would DIE before they would even say Barney, and he can't get enough of it. Yesterday, he asked me what would it be like if the rain was really lemon drops and gum drops. I told him "it would be sticky." Well, with that thought, I guess I better go take a bath, or a shower,so I can answer his questions about it tomorrow.



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