Saturday, April 9, 2011

Well, Hello there friends,
Wow! It's been quite a couple of weeks. I'm in the process of divorcing and it was supposed to happen last Thursday, but due to the attorney's paperwork glitch, it didn't happen. Was supposed to happen this Thursday, and haven't heard whether it did or not. Guess I'll find out soon.
Been pretty sick the last couple of weeks. Started out with strep throat last week. Then,Bear caught it from me last weekend. Then, Monday, I started getting sick again. Finally went to the Dr on Wed when my temp reached 102 and they couldn't tell me what was wrong- just some secondary infection likely- that didn't repond the the antibiotic I was already on. So, now, I am FINALLY feeling better.
Last night, Bear stayed overnight with his poppa and his grandparents. I am glad that he got time with his poppy. He doesn't get to see him often, so that was good. Picked him, and my folks up and headed to the mall today. It is that time, no not Christmas, not Prom, not Easter even... time..... for my first bifocals. A major stage in midlife. So, headed there to pick them up. Decided to get some that were very different from my previous glasses and I am loving them. Bear, however, sees the mall as an opportunity to ride the mechanical rides. He puts up with the walking and shopping, just to ride those rides. He loooooves those and has for years. I don't know what we will do when he gets too big for them. It's coming soon though!!!He is so tall already. He has certain ones that he likes to ride more than once and others that once is enough, but before all was said and done, he rode a total of 10 times today and would have ridden 10 more if we let him.
We were also looking for some Spring and summer clothes for my little long legged boy. Found him some shorts and shirts, but could not find any light weight long pants. What do the designers think? Do they think that kids want to wear heavy pants or shorts and nothing in between?? Because that is all I could find. Oh well, I'll keep looking.
Another thing he loves is conveyor belts and our loccal grocey store will let him feel the convyor belt when it moves and will sometimes let him go beind the counter and work the conveyor belt. He loves to do that!! He always asks when we are buying something in a store if there is a conveyor belt? I say, "No. This store just has a counter." He heard the cash register in one place today, though and asked me the what it was. I told him and as we were leaving, he asked me the oddest question. He said, "When can I come and sit on the cash register?" I said, "Never, because cash registers are not for sitting" I'm not sure what he was thinking about that.
As I've said before, some days I don't know what kind of vehicle I am driving around. Bear is always pretending it's a bus , plane, truck, etc. Well today at one point, it was a train. The funny part is he kept wanting me to blow my train's whistle and quite conveniently, we happened to pass a train and it blew it's whistle. Couldn't have been better timing. Then, on the way home,I was driving a race-car. What an imagination that boy has!!! I think he will surely be a writer as well as a musician one day.
Well, I should go for now. Church is in the morning. Hope all of you are doing great!



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